Tape is something that you may not realize adds to the touch and flair of creating a memorable sort of package for customers. Many people love it, and if you’re tied of humdrum and boring packages, here’s what you can use in order to offer creative and fun ways for your business to incorporate tape.
Write a Note!
Customers really like little messages, so if you want to make a fun little duct tape gift tag on there, with a special to/from message, it’s pretty great to use. You can even make little sculptures tat are even more special, and if you’re someone that wants to make these complex, you sure can.
Branding tools
Branding tools are another great way to use these. If you have the budget for this, you can get branded tape and put this on cards, ads, and the outside of this. You can also put this on the inner flaps, in order to ensure that the contents properly connect with what it is that you offer.
Package decoration
You can also decorate the package itself with some tape. Brighter colors of different lengths and widths are good, since they offer something unique and interesting, and it’s a good way for you to truly make sure that you get the most out of this. You can decorate this with not just stripes either, but mosaics, latticework, and other options too. The sky’s the limit on this!
If the business doesn’t let you get too crazy, or you’re trying to keep a serious image, you want to be mindful of the types of different tape that you use. Minimally, you want to make sure that the tape is used to reflect the brand that you have. If you can’t get branded tape, think of the colors that you normally use with this tape, and then try to have colors that properly reflect this. That way, the people who see this will be able to look forward and see exactly wo is the one that sent out this package.
Why tape?
You might wonder why you should use tape as a way to increase brand awareness? First and foremost, it’s cheap. If you’re looking to save money on non-branded tape, even just getting generalized colored tape is a good way to get started with this, and it tends to be cheap. Even if you go with the cheap branded tape, you’ll be able to get it for a much more affordable price than of course, the other kinds of custom packaging that are out there.
It’s also one of the best ways to help build that initial contact point. Remember, tape is something that you can use to hold the package together, so you can use tape strategically in order to boost the presentation, and also to make your product look even better. In general, though, tape is a simple product to use, and there are tons of great ways for you to use this, and the variety of tape that’s out there makes it work.
It’s one of the cheapest ways to get the branding of your package that you want to, and you’ll be able to easily, without fail, and with no problems create the best experience that you can with just this alone. Businesses that are just starting out find a lot of benefit n just using tape as a brand means, and it’s something that you should consider when assessing the different branding efforts that you want to use as well too.